Defence News

Indian Army takes up preventive steps to stop misuse of new combat uniform

DW Bureau

New Delhi: The Indian Army has taken a slew of measures to prevent unauthorised sale and misuse of its new combat uniform. According to report published in the Hindustan Times, it has sought a design patent for the new uniform, warned of legal action against those making unauthorised sales, and instructed soldiers to purchase only from authorised sources. The army showcased the new combat uniform on Army Day, January 15 this year.

The entire force will switch over to the new combat fatigues within three years, taking into consideration the available stock and life of the current uniform, said one of the officials cited above. The army replaced its decades-old battle fatigues to provide soldiers better camouflage, comfort, and uniformity in design.

As per the officials, the army has issued instructions prohibiting soldiers from procuring the new uniform from unauthorised vendors, and after the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) process is completed, legal action will be taken against those indulging in unauthorised sale of combat fatigues.

Uncontrolled proliferation of existing combat uniform has led to vulnerabilities in the security of military establishments and remains a cause of concern, said a second official.

The Indian Army plans to take stern action against dealers who indulge in selling of unauthorised, similar-looking uniforms and fabric. Certain cloth and tailoring shops in the vicinity of army cantonments and military stations have started stocking such unauthorised variants. Inimical elements would find it convenient to obtain such variants from these shops," he added.

In line with security requirements, the military police and the Delhi Police on July 11 carried out an awareness campaign for shopkeepers in Delhi Cantt area to prevent such unauthorised sales of the new combat uniform, the officials said.

The new uniform is unique, has an exclusive digital camouflage pattern, contemporary and functional design, and lighter yet stronger and more breathable fabric, the officials said, adding that the army wants to have control measures in place to reserve its exclusivity.

The new combat uniform will be available through central procurement and Canteen Stores Department (CSD) outlets in the country, the officials said. "By August 2022, army personnel will be able to procure the cloth from the CSD and get the uniform stitched to supplement combat uniforms issued as part of personal kit under life cycle clothing," said the first official.

The new pattern was selected after a careful study of the army's working requirements and the need to introduce uniformity in battle fatigues worn by soldiers. Variations in the existing pattern drew criticism from several quarters. The National Institute of Fashion Technology helped the army finalise the new uniform.

While soldiers wear the combat uniform in operational areas, officers posted in the army headquarters in New Delhi also wear the attire on Fridays in solidarity with men operating in forward areas.

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