Amid China-India stand-off Rajnath Singh to visit Russia

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will be on a 3-day visit to Russia starting Monday to attend the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War, a tri-services contingent from India is also taking part in the Victory Day parade
Amid China-India stand-off Rajnath Singh to visit Russia

Moscow/New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will pay a visit to Moscow to attend the Victory Parade on June 24 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War. Rajnath's visit which is planned suddenly is significant in the midst of an escalating border standoff between India and China, particularly after the killing of 20 Indian Army personnel by Chinese troops in eastern Ladakh's Galwan Valley on June 15. Ambassador of the Russian Federation Nikolay Kudashevwished him a safe journey on Twitter.

The Parade is organised to honour the heroism and sacrifices made by the Russian and other friendly people. Defence Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu has invited Rajnath Singh to the Victory Parade, which was originally scheduled on May 9 but was postponed due to the COVID-19 spread in Russia. Separately, a Tri-Service 75-Member Indian Military Contingent has already reached Moscow to participate in the Victory Parade along with Russian contingent and other invited contingents.

The Military Parade at Red Square, Moscow to take place on June 24 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The marching contingent taking part in the Victory Day Parade is led by a major rank officer of the gallant Sikh Light Infantry Regiment. The Regiment had fought with valour in the World War-II and has the proud distinction of earning four BattleHonours and two Military Cross amongst other gallantry awards.

The Indian participation in the Victory Day parade will be a mark of tribute to the great sacrifices made by Russia and other nations in the Second World War in which Indian soldiers also participated and made supreme sacrifice. It may be recalled that Prime Minister Modi had congratulated President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Rajnath Singh congratulated his counterpart through special messages sent on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory Day. Visit of the Defenc Minister will strengthen the longstanding special and privileged strategic partnership between India and Russia.

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