BRO organises annual chief engineers conference at Pune

BRO organises annual chief engineers conference at Pune
BRO organises annual chief engineers conference at Pune

Pune: A two day Chief Engineers and Equipment Management Conference organised by Border Roads Organisation (BRO) began in Pune on May 6, 2023. Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry, VSM, DGBR inaugurated the conference.

During the conference, discussion on key issues focusing on the use of New Technology, incorporation of environment friendly construction practices, Road Safety aspects, and other HR initiatives including efforts to upgrade facilities for labourers is being carried out. 

The annual event is attended by ADGBR East and ADGBR West along with Chief engineers from 18 Projects from border states and UTs and senior officers from Seema Sadak Bhawan, New Delhi.

The conference also enables the organisation to prepare a road map for the next working season and gives opportunity for knowledge sharing of good practices or capacity building.As part of the equipment management BRO provided platform to major firms to show case their equipment and 79 equipment stalls were on display at BRO School and Centre, Pune. 

Speaking on this occasion DGBR praised the Chief engineers' projects for their commendable work and exhorted them to work with same tenacity. The DGBR also thanked the Major Equipment Firm for coming in large number and displaying their state-of-the-art equipment's he urged them to provide BRO tailor made solutions for our engineering problems as BRO works in difficult terrain and altitude the challenges for BRO are more complex than other construction agencies and thus the big player can come forward  and join us in Nation Building.

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