CDS Gen Bipin Rawat inspects tri-services guard of honour

India’s first Chief of Defence Staff, General Bipin Rawat, inspected the historic tri-services guard of honour and said that the CDS is all about synergy where effort is to achieve more than the sum of the whole
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat inspects tri-services guard of honour

New Delhi: India’s first Chief of Defence Staff, General Bipin Rawat, inspected the guard of honour on Wednesday, days after he took charge of the post. The Chief of Defence Staff will function as a single point advisor to the Prime Minister on the issues related to defence, he will also head the newly established Department of Military Affairs within the Ministry of Defence. The CDS will be able to better synergise the operations of the three armed forces, the Army, Navy and the Air Force, and reduce wasteful expenditure by better coordinating the procurement plans of the three services, which was recommended by the committee that reviewed military’s performance post Kargil war.

"Chief of the Defence Staff CDS is all about synergy where effort is to achieve more than the sum of the whole. Sum of synergistic application of three Services is not for 1+1+1=3 but sum to be 5 or 7."- General Bipin Rawat, CDS

Responding to allegations that he could be a political appointee, General Rawat told media persons on Wednesday, “We stay far away from politics, very far. We have to work according to directions by the government in power.” He added that his focus will be on integrating the efforts of the three services and working as a team.

He also said that "Chief of the Defence Staff #CDS is all about #Synergy where effort is to achieve more than the sum of the whole. Sum of synergistic application of three Services is not for 1+1+1=3 but sum to be 5 or 7."

Here’s a glimpse of the day in pictures:

The man of the hour, the first CDS of India Gen Bipin Rawat arrives at South Block
The man of the hour, the first CDS of India Gen Bipin Rawat arrives at South Block
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat inspects the historic Tri-Services Guard of Honour
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat inspects the historic Tri-Services Guard of Honour
<em>General Bipin Rawat took charge as India's first Defence Staff on December 30, 2019</em>
General Bipin Rawat took charge as India's first Defence Staff on December 30, 2019
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat inspects the historic Tri-Services Guard of Honour
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat inspects the historic Tri-Services Guard of Honour
<em>Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat inspects the guard of honour at South Block in New Delhi on Wednesday.</em>
Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat inspects the guard of honour at South Block in New Delhi on Wednesday.
<em>The Chief of Defence Staff will function as a single point advisor to the Prime Minister on the issues related to defence.</em>
The Chief of Defence Staff will function as a single point advisor to the Prime Minister on the issues related to defence.
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat receives pleasantries from the press and chiefs of all three services
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat receives pleasantries from the press and chiefs of all three services
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat responds to the questions from the press, in the answer to one of the questions based on allegations by opposition political parties Rawat said, &quot;We keep ourselves away from politics, we follow govt directives&quot;
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat responds to the questions from the press, in the answer to one of the questions based on allegations by opposition political parties Rawat said, "We keep ourselves away from politics, we follow govt directives"
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat's family too was present at the most important moment of his life, wife Madhulika Rawat and daughter Kritika accompanied him.
CDS Gen Bipin Rawat's family too was present at the most important moment of his life, wife Madhulika Rawat and daughter Kritika accompanied him.
Defence Watch