General Naravane gives away prestigious MacGregor Memorial Medals to four armed forces personnel

General Naravane gave away prestigious MacGregor Memorial Medals to four armed forces personnel (Photo: ADGPI)
General Naravane gave away prestigious MacGregor Memorial Medals to four armed forces personnel (Photo: ADGPI)

New Delhi: General MM Naravane, the officiating Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) and Chief of Army Staff presented the prestigious USI MacGregor Memorial Medals to four awardees; two from the Indian Army and one each from Indian Navy and Indian Airforce, for their outstanding achievements in operational reconnaissance and extreme adventure sports.

The MacGregor Memorial Medals award ceremony was held at the United Service Institution (USI), India's oldest tri-service think tank established in 1870 for research and debate on national security and military affairs. The ceremony was attended by the Indian military top-brass and Armed Forces personnel.

Speaking on the occasion, Gen Naravane complimented the USI for their great contribution to India's strategic culture and professional grooming of future military leaders. He also appreciated the role of USI in carrying the legacy of military explorations and extreme adventure sports. He congratulated the awardees for their exceptional talent, grit and determination. He said that the Indian Armed Forces are endowed with exceptional talent and the feats of the awardees will inspire and motivate others to emulate their example to bring laurels and glory to the organisation and India.

MacGregor Memorial Medal was instituted on 03 July 1888 to commemorate the memory of Maj Gen Sir Charles Metcalfe MacGregor, KCB, CSI, CIE, the founder of USI. Initially, this medal was awarded for military reconnaissance and journeys of exploration such as British Army expeditions in Central Asia, Afghanistan, Tibet and Burma. After independence, it was decided to award this medal for adventure activities as well. The medal is open to all ranks, serving and retired, of the Indian Armed Forces, Territorial Army and Assam Rifles.

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