Historic: BRO’s road that will cut your Kailash-Mansarovar pilgrimage time short is now open

Historic: BRO’s road that will cut your Kailash-Mansarovar pilgrimage time short is now open

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh dedicated the 80km long link road between Dharchula (Uttarakhand) and Lipulekh (China Border) to the nation, the BRO built road will significantly curtail the Kailash-Mansarovar pilgrimage time

New Delhi: Another feather in the well-decorated hat of Border Roads Organisation (BRO) and yet an extremely significant one. Ushering in a new era in undertaking Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra and border area connectivity BRO completed work on the link road between Dharchula (Uttarakhand) and Lipulekh (China Border). This 80 km long road will curtail the Kailash-Mansarovar pilgrimage time by a significant margin. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the link road and dedicated it to the nation via video conferencing on Friday here in New Delhi. Singh also flagged off a convoy of vehicles from Pithoragarh to Gunji.

"The Central Government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have a special vision for the development of remote areas, with the completion of this crucial road link, the decades-old dreams and aspirations of local people and pilgrims have been fulfilled," said the minister. He expressed confidence that local trade and economic growth in the region would receive a boost with the operationalisation of this roadway.

Recalling that pilgrimage to Kailash-Manasarovar has been sacred and revered by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains, Rajnath Singh said with the completion of this road link, the yatra could be completed in one week compared to 2-3 weeks it took earlier. The road originates from Ghatiabagarh and terminates at Lipulekh Pass, the gateway to Kailash-Mansarovar. In this 80 kilometre road, the altitude rises from 6,000 to 17,060 feet. With the completion of this project, the arduous trek through treacherous high-altitude terrain can now be avoided by the pilgrims of Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra. At present, the travel to Kailash-Mansarovar takes around two to three weeks through Sikkim or Nepal routes. Lipulekh route had a trek of 90 Km through high altitude terrain and the elderly yartris faced a lot of difficulties.

The other two roads are via Sikkim and Nepal. Both entail approximately 20 percent land journeys on Indian roads and 80 percent land journeys in China. With the opening of Ghatiabgarh-Lipulekh road, this ratio has been just reversed. Now Pilgrims to Manasarovar will traverse 84 per cent land journeys on Indian Roads and only 16 percent land Journeys in China.

The other two roads are via Sikkim and Nepal. Both entail approximately 20 percent land journeys on Indian roads and 80 percent land journeys in China. With the opening of Ghatiabgarh-Lipulekh road, this ratio has been just reversed. Now Pilgrims to Manasarovar will traverse 84 per cent land journeys on Indian Roads and only 16 percent land Journeys in China

Director-General of BRO Lt Gen Harpal Singh said "the construction of this road was hampered due to multiple problems. Constant snowfall, steep rise in altitude and extremely low temperatures restricted the working season to five months. Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra took place in the working season from June to October and it coincided with the move of locals and their logistics as well as the movement of traders (for trade with China) thus further reducing the daily hours for construction".

In addition, there were numerous flash floods and cloud bursts over the last few years which led to extensive damages. In the initial 20 kilometres, the mountains have hard rock and are near vertical due to which BRO has lost many lives and 25 equipment were also badly damaged due to falling into Kali River. Despite all odds, in the last two years, BRO could increase its output by 20 times by creating multiple working points and inducting modern technology equipment. Helicopters were also extensively used to induct hundreds of tons of stores/equipment into this sector.

While congratulating the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) engineers and personnel whose dedication made this achievement possible, Singh mourned the loss of lives during the construction of this road. He praised the contribution of BRO personnel who live in far off places, and away from their families, that too in difficult times of COVID-19.

Defence Watch