Indian Army dedicates a Chair of Excellence in the memory of General Bipin Rawat

Late General Bipin Rawat
Late General Bipin Rawat

New Delhi: Indian Army has dedicated a Chair of Excellence at the United Service Institution of India (USI) in the memory of the late Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat on the occasion of his 65th birth anniversary.

The formal announcement was made by Gen MM Naravane, Chief of Army Staff and Officiating Chairman, COSC, at a solemn ceremony organised at the South Block today on 15 March 2022.

Lieutenant General Manoj Pande, the VCOAS, Air Marshal Sandeep Singh, VCAS, Vice Admiral SN Ghormade, VCNS, Air Marshal BR Krishna, Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee (CISC) and Lt Gen SK Sharma, DCOAS (Strat) also attended the event.

A cheque of Rs 5 lakhs was handed over to Maj Gen BK Sharma (Retd), Director, USI which will be paid as honourarium to the nominated Chair of Excellence.

Late General Bipin Rawat who served as India's first CDS as well as the 27th Chief of the Indian Army was an outstanding professional and was in the midst of steering one of the most radical transformations of the Indian military. Gen Bipin Rawat Memorial Chair of Excellence will focus on the field of Jointness and Integration. The Chair of Excellence is a befitting tribute to the astute leadership and professionalism of the General.

On the occasion, the Army Chief recounted that General Rawat was passionate about strategic thoughts and invested considerable time and energy in the activities of various Think Tanks and therefore, his 65th birthday provided an opportune moment to reinforce the Services' bond with their intellectual institutions. The Chair will be open to Veterans of three Services and civilians having expertise in the field of National Security.

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