All you need to know about the Lightest Bulletproof Jacket prepared by DRDO

Kanpur-based Defence Materials and Store Research and Development (DMSRDE) developed the lightest bulletproof jacket for protection against 7.62 x 54 R API (Level 6 of BIS 17051) ammunition.
All you need to know about the Lightest Bulletproof Jacket prepared by DRDO

New Delhi: Think of a jacket whose front Hard Armour Panel (HAP) can withstand multiple hits or up to six shots of 7.62 x 54 R API (Sniper rounds) in both ICW (In-conjuction with) as well as the standalone design.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed the lightest bulletproof jacket for protection against the highest threat level, threat level 6.

Kanpur-based Defence Materials and Store Research and Development (DMSRDE) developed the lightest bulletproof jacket for protection against 7.62 x 54 R API (Level 6 of BIS 17051) ammunition.

The defence ministry said that this bulletproof jacket was successfully tested at Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh. The jacket is reportedly based on a new design approach.

Earlier, it was reported that the Indian Air Force helicopter crew deployed in counter-terrorist environments and internal security duties will get new bulletproof jackets that are lighter and more comfortable to wear while flying than the existing variants.

The Indian Air Force’s requirement is for a jacket whose weight does not exceed 4 kg during flying and 8 kg during combat survival and offers Level 3+ ballistic protection.

Level 3+ category offers protection against different types of bullets fired from 7.62 mm rifles, including AK-47, at ranges as close as 25 meters.

Each member deployed in such operations would reportedly be authorised a bulletproof jacket.

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