Necessity for effective border management: New webinar of SAPI on July 9

Necessity for effective border management: SAPI's next webinar on July 9
Necessity for effective border management: SAPI's next webinar on July 9

New Delhi: Borders and their management has been one of the important concerns since the foundation of nations. Borders stand for the territorial integrity and political sovereignty of a country. In order to discuss the new challenges of border management in the changing landscape of defence, SAPI is coming up with a fresh webinar on the topic 'Necessity for effective border management'.

Speaking about the content of the webinar, Founder of SAPI Pradeep Gupta said "On 9th July, the Delhi-based think tank Security, Peace and Policy initiatives (SAPI) is organizing the 2nd in its series of webinars on Effective Border Management. Ex-DG BSF KK Sharma IPS Rtd and D Kamalakar, IPS (retd) Ex ADG Police, Maharashtra will be the keynote speakers. Given their huge hands-on experience and understanding of the subject, a good brainstorming session covering conundrums of International Borders, Coastal Security, Cross border issues, Political underpinnings, Border Villages and Villagers, application of modern technology et al is in offing".

Pradeep Gupta himself has been a seasoned bureaucrat, having handled BM Division in the capacity of JS, informed that SAPI stands for the production of collaborative, actionable knowledge on issues of National importance. Dr Sangeeta Goel, and Sarang Nerkar Alok Tewari, co-founders of SAPI, the think tank or the thought factory as they call it, reiterated their motto to help bridge the gap between knowledge and policy and public and policymakers.

As part of the strategy to secure the borders, also to create infrastructure in the border areas of the country, India has taken various steps including the construction of fences, floodlighting, roads, Border Out Posts (BOPs), company Operating Bases (COBs) and deployment of technological solutions along the Indo-Pakistan, Indo-Bangladesh, indo-China, Indo-Nepal, Indo-Bhutan and Indo-Myanmar borders.

Those interested in joining the webinar, may please visit SAPI website by clicking here.

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