OFB Corporatisation: Unions threaten indefinite strike from Sep 12 if demands not met

Employee unions have threatened to go on an indefinite strike from September 12, if they don’t receive any communication from the Defence Ministry by July 31
OFB Corporatisation: Unions threaten indefinite strike from Sep 12 if demands not met
  • The unions have also given calls for 5-day fast starting August 4 in the absence of a response from the MoD

  • The decision has come after representatives of the unions held a meeting with Defence Production Secretary Raj Kumar earlier this week

New Delhi: The employee unions of the Ordinance Factory Board (OFB) have decided to up the ante against the governments' move to corporatise the two-century-old organisation. All the four major employee unions have threatened to go on an indefinite strike from September 12, in case the workers don't receive any communication from the Defence Ministry by July 31, the unions said in a joint statement released on Thursday. 

As the statement, "The Secretary (Defence Production) in the meeting held on July 28 has assured that he will communicate the concerns expressed by the employees representatives against Corporatisation of OFB to the Honourable Defence Minister at the earliest."

Unions threaten indefinite strike from Sep 12

The statement further said, "If no communication is received from the Ministry of Defence / DDP about the decision of the defence minster by July 31 a joint letter will be issued to the Secretary (DP) and Defence Secretary informing them about our decision to issue the strike notice on August 4 to commence the Indefinite Strike from September 12." Notably, the government will be opening the bid for consultant selection on August 4. The ministry is engaging a consultant to advise the Defence Ministry on the further course of action towards corporatisation of OFB. 

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The decision has come after representatives of the unions held a meeting with Defence Production Secretary Raj Kumar earlier this week, as was reported by Defence Watch. In the absence of a concrete assurance, the unions have threatened go on strike. The statement also added, "From the initial remark of the Secretary (DP) itself it is clear that the government is going ahead with its decision against Corporatisation of Ordnance Factories."

The unions have also given calls for 5-day fast starting August 4 in the absence of a response from the MoD. Moreover, on August 9, when India will observe the 78th anniversary of the Quit India movement, the unions have decided to observe 'Save India Day' to oppose the corporatisation of OFB. 

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