CoAS General Manoj Pande conferred Honorary Rank of General of the Nepali Army

CoAS General Manoj Pande on Monday conferred Honorary Rank of General of the Nepali Army. He's on his first visit of Nepal as CoAS (Photo: ADGPI)
CoAS General Manoj Pande on Monday conferred Honorary Rank of General of the Nepali Army. He's on his first visit of Nepal as CoAS (Photo: ADGPI)

New Delhi: Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Manoj Pande reached Nepal on an official visit on Monday, September 05. This is his first visit to Nepal as the Chief of Army Staff. During his Nepal visit on day 01, the Army Chief called upon the Right Hon'ble President of Nepal. General Pande was conferred the Honorary Rank of General of the Nepali Army in a ceremony at Sital Nivas, the official residence of the Right Honorable President of Nepal. "Right Hon'ble President of #Nepal Smt Bidhya Devi Bhandari conferred the Honorary Rank of General of #NepaliArmy on General Manoj Pande #COAS at Sheetal Niwas, #Nepal, as per the unique tradition between the two Armies", the Indian Army tweeted.

Earlier in the day, he called on General Prabhu Ram Sharma, Chief of the Army Staff, Nepali Army and discussed ways to strengthen bilateral Defence Cooperation.

The COAS visited Nepal Army HQ where he laid a wreath to the fallen soldiers at Bir Smarak & received a Guard of Honour at Headquarters. The COAS is also scheduled to call on the Hon'ble Prime Minster of Nepal on 06 September 2022.

India – Nepal relations are historic, multifaceted, and marked by common cultural and civilizational ties, apart from mutual respect and trust. India attaches the highest priority to its relationship with Nepal through its Neighborhood First and Act East policies. This visit will provide an opportunity to take stock of the existing bilateral defence ties and strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

CoAS is scheduled to visit Nepal from 05 to 08 September 2022.

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